Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Bull Shit

SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- The investigation continues into the death of two girls found in a burning home in Sioux City on Sunday.
Police said the girls, Kendra Suing, 10, and Alysha Suing, 8, were the victims of a ritual slaying. Their stepfather, Lawrence Harris Sr., is charged with two counts of first-degree murder.
Police said Harris had been performing "some strange ritual" and told officers he cast a spell that went bad.
Police Chief Joe Frisbie said the girls were dead before the fire and appear to have died of strangulation and stab wounds. He said an official cause of death won't be released for several days.
Frisbie said the fire started in the basement of the two-story home.
Harris is being held in the Woodbury County jail on $2 million bond.

This pisses me off, he was performing a spell? OK i am pagan and do rituals and spells but i have never needed to kill children. this had nothing to do with a spell he is not right in the head. any one who kills is not right, even soldiers are not, they have to go threw training to do that, and once you go to that line there is no real way to get back not all the way. I am really way to upset to continue this right now.


1 comment:

Wendy said...

yeah. That guy is dealing with something demonic, or he is schizophrenic, or plain crazy.

He gives you spell casters a bad name.