Friday, March 16, 2007

Last Night And This Morning.

OK so last night when i got home from work and at work i would like to say was boring, my co-worker said not one word. so boring....anyway rant completed, We watched Ice Age 2: The Melt Down.

Good i have to say better then the first one. Which i did things during that movie i refuse to tell my b/f. So it held my attention and i even cried a little.

But after that we finished dinner, i started to take pictures of random figures i have.

These are of Elizabeth Bathory who bathed in blood of virgins. If you can't tell bathtube full of blood.
These are of Bethany Bleed. She was killed in the Iron Maiden. It has two swords that go thru the door into her.
Well I don't remember what her name is, but she is swallowing a sword, suspended from 2 rings thru her sholders, and three rod into each side. She is very neat.


Spacecake said...

Those are way cool. I wish I had stuffs like that.

Wendy said...


The Meltdown made me shed a little tear too.

Mustafa Şenalp said...

trkey/ kayseri