Thursday, March 15, 2007


I WANT ONE...... I WANT ONE....... I WANT ONE......

Well not a creppy want to kill me and wear my skin but a send me money and gift type. Is there that type?

Any way yeah i need friends.
*sad me*


Wendy said...

You can take mine, they are awesome!

Who am I Really? said...

Did I forget to tell you there is a form that you have to fill out?

Dan-O said...

You want a stalker huh? That's a bad thing to want.
When's the showdown here, huh? Inquiring minds want to know, we've all seen Wendy's.

Who am I Really? said...

I don't know when i talk to wendy about it she changes the topic

JLee said...

I'll be your stalker! hehe

Murp! said...

I can stack peas on a shelf at Wal-Mart. Oh wait, that's stocker. Nevermind...