Saturday, August 04, 2007


Mother fucker!!!!!!! fuck fuck fuck fuck! I hate this! i hate this!!! why the fuck does it have to be this way????????????????????????? What the fuck do i want???????????

Fuck Cunt Bitch Assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!

man i just want to slit my wrists.


Wendy said...

~GASP!~ You never use the 'C" word...what is going on?

Who am I Really? said...

Bad day of two in a row. you were right, moving back up here seems like the best. sad that i am going to miss every one, but you have to do what you have to do right.? I hope to hang with you when i get back, that is if you don't bleed to death, and that can't happen untill tax season is done!!!!!!! miss you